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GreenlandRemote and Flexible Work Options

Learn about remote work policies and flexible work arrangements in Greenland

Remote work

In Greenland, there isn't a single, comprehensive law specifically regulating remote work. However, several existing regulations and frameworks influence its implementation, such as the Greenlandic Working Environment Act, the Danish Executive Order on Telework, and the Danish Personal Data Act.

Technological Infrastructure Requirements

For successful remote work implementation, employers in Greenland should consider the following technological infrastructure:

  • Reliable Internet Connectivity: Reliable and high-speed internet connectivity is crucial for remote work in Greenland. Employers might explore subsidizing internet costs or partnering with internet service providers for wider coverage.
  • Secure Remote Access: Providing secure remote access to company systems and data is essential. This could involve Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and multi-factor authentication protocols.
  • Communication and Collaboration Tools: Cloud-based communication and collaboration platforms enable effective communication between remote teams.

Additional Considerations:

  • Power Supply: Stable and reliable power supply can be a concern in some parts of Greenland. Backup power solutions might be necessary for critical remote work operations.
  • Affordability: Technology costs can be a barrier for some employees. Employers might explore equipment leasing options or cost-sharing programs to facilitate remote work.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers in Greenland have certain responsibilities towards remote workers:

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential health and safety risks associated with a remote work environment, as outlined in the Greenlandic Working Environment Act.
  • Clear Policies: Establish clear and well-defined policies on remote work arrangements.
  • Data Security: Implement appropriate data security measures to protect sensitive information entrusted to remote workers.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Maintain open communication channels and utilize collaboration tools to foster a sense of teamwork and engagement among remote employees.
  • Ergonomics: Employers should provide guidance on ergonomic considerations for remote work setups to minimize musculoskeletal risks.

Additional Considerations:

  • Compensation and Benefits: Ensure remote workers receive fair compensation and benefits aligned with their roles, regardless of their physical location.
  • Work-Life Balance: Promote healthy work-life boundaries for remote employees. This could involve establishing clear expectations regarding work hours and communication outside of regular work hours.

Flexible work arrangements

Part-Time Work (Deltidsansættelse)

Employees can agree to work a reduced number of hours per week compared to a standard full-time position. Terms are typically defined in the employment contract, outlining working hours, pro-rated compensation based on full-time salary, and benefits eligibility. The Greenlandic Working Environment Act (Arbejdsmiljøloven) outlines general employment rights, which apply to part-time workers as well.

Flexitime (Gliddende arbejdstid)

This arrangement allows employees some flexibility in scheduling their work hours within a set timeframe. For instance, an employee might work core hours in the office (e.g., 10:00 am - 4:00 pm) and have the flexibility to adjust their start and end times within predefined limits. There are no legal restrictions on flexitime arrangements in Greenland. However, approval ultimately lies with the employer, who should have clear policies outlining eligibility criteria and application processes.

Job Sharing (Delt job)

Two or more people can share the responsibilities of a single full-time position. Each job sharer would have a defined set of hours and responsibilities outlined in a shared employment contract. There are no specific legal regulations governing job sharing in Greenland. Similar to flexitime, employer policies would dictate eligibility and implementation procedures.

Data protection and privacy

In Greenland, which is part of the Danish Kingdom, data protection for remote workers is governed by a combination of regulations. The Danish Personal Data Act (Persondataloven) establishes a legal framework for data protection, outlining core principles for data processing, including transparency, accountability, and lawful processing. These principles apply to employee data handled during remote work. The Greenlandic Working Environment Act (Arbejdsmiljøloven), based on the Danish Working Environment Act, outlines general health and safety standards applicable to all work environments, including remote work settings. While not directly addressing data privacy, it indirectly influences responsible data handling practices that can impact employee well-being.

Employer Obligations

Employers in Greenland have specific responsibilities regarding data protection for remote employees. They must identify a lawful basis for processing employee data under the Danish Personal Data Act, such as contractual necessity or employee consent. They should collect and process only the minimum amount of employee data necessary for work purposes. Employers are also required to implement appropriate data security measures to protect sensitive information entrusted to remote workers. This might involve encryption, access controls using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication, and secure remote access protocols like VPNs. Employers must provide clear information to remote employees about the type of data collected, the purpose of processing, their data protection rights, and proper data handling procedures. They should also train employees on data security best practices to minimize risks associated with phishing attempts or improper data handling. In the event of a data breach, employers must notify the Danish Data Protection Agency and affected individuals within the stipulated timeframes as outlined by the Danish Personal Data Act.

Employee Rights

Even in a remote work environment, employees retain certain rights regarding their personal information under the Danish Personal Data Act. Employees have the right to access their personal data held by the employer and request corrections if necessary. Under certain circumstances, employees can request the deletion of their personal data.

Best Practices for Securing Data

Both employers and employees can take proactive steps to minimize data security risks in a remote work environment. They should limit the amount of personal and company data shared electronically with remote workers, applying "need-to-know" principles. Encrypted communication tools should be utilized for sensitive information exchange. Employees should be educated on identifying and avoiding phishing attempts designed to steal login credentials or sensitive data. Remote workers should be encouraged to regularly back up important data to a secure location, which can help mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks. Clear channels should be established for employees to report any suspicious activity or potential data breaches.

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