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Global Work Glossary

What is a sole proprietorship?

A sole proprietorship is a prevalent business structure in the United States, chosen by small business owners, startups, consultants, freelancers, and individual contractors due to its simplicity in creation, operation, and dissolution. Here's a comprehensive look at how sole proprietorships work, their pros and cons, and the process of forming one in the USA:

How Sole Proprietorships Work:

  • A sole proprietorship is not a separate legal entity but an extension of the owner.
  • The owner bears unlimited personal liability for business debts and obligations.
  • For tax purposes, the owner uses their Social Security Number as the business's Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • The business can operate under the owner's name or a unique fictitious name, registered with local authorities.

Advantages of Sole Proprietorships:

  • Cost-effective to establish, with minimal registration and operational expenses.
  • Simple setup process, requiring only name registration and necessary licenses.
  • Tax-deductible business expenses, including car payments, travel, and certain home expenses.
  • Full control and decision-making authority for the owner.
  • Simplified tax preparation, with profits taxed as personal income.

Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorships:

  • Unlimited personal liability exposes the owner's personal assets to business debts.
  • Difficulty in raising capital due to perceived riskiness by lenders.
  • Ineligibility for unemployment benefits if the business fails.
  • Sole responsibility for self-employment taxes, including Social Security and Medicare contributions.
  • Challenges in selling the business due to its inseparability from the owner's assets.

Formation of Sole Proprietorships in the USA:

  • Contact the nearest Small Business Development Center for state-specific requirements.
  • Choose and register a business name, ensuring availability.
  • Optionally, open a separate business bank account and credit card.
  • Obtain necessary business licenses and permits.
  • Register with local taxing authorities if selling taxable products/services.
  • Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if hiring employees.
  • Secure a domain name for online presence.
  • Purchase business insurance to mitigate risks.

Sole Proprietorships in Other Countries:

  • Sole proprietorships are not unique to the USA and exist worldwide.
  • Similar formation processes may apply, tailored to each country's regulations.
  • Seek guidance from local business development agencies or professionals.

Taxes for Sole Proprietorships in the USA:

  • Sole proprietors report business income and expenses on Schedule C Form.
  • Personal income tax return (Form 1040) includes business profits/losses.
  • Self-employment tax (Schedule SE) calculates Social Security and Medicare contributions.
  • Business expenses are tax-deductible, subject to IRS guidelines.
  • Maintaining separate business accounts is recommended for clear financial distinction.
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